Mental Illness & Depression

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Mental illness is still not a common issue in our society. The ignorance about mental health issues that continues to exist among people is perplexing. I know about this issue 5 years ago. First, let me explain what is mental illness and depression. According to psychiatrist, depression can be determine as a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.

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Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can include:
  •  Feeling sad or having a bad mood
  •  Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  •  Changes in appetite (weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting)
  •  Sleep disorder
  •  Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  •  Increase in purposeless physical activity or slowed movements and speech
  •  Feeling worthless or guilty
  •  Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
  •  Thoughts of death or suicide
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Depression is one of the mental illness. Its becoming tumor that can affect ourselves if we did not receive a proper treatment. Plus, in our society, it is still a stigma in today's world and because of this, a large number of those who experience depression will not be treated. Some of these people, they know that they are depressed but they are way too scared to get help, or even admit it to themselves out loud. Help and support from people around them is really a great help. 

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We cannot blame these people, they only see suicide is the only way out. Don't put all the false on them. Try to understand them; open your eyes to see, ear to listen and mouth to give comfort instead of judging them. Friend's support somehow can help her even we are not a professional psychiatrist or counselor. 

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From that event, here I want all of us to alert about this serius issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, depression is estimated to be the second most common health problem in the world by the year 2020. It is a creepy fact. Please help your friend if you think they have mental illness. Block all of our negatives perception on mental illness. Depression is not a joke and mental illness is real.
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